Our purpose when we reincarnate into each lifetime is to learn the lessons that are directed by our Soul’s journey. As we weather each life those lessons are shown to us as patterns which keep playing out time and again until they are learnt and addressed for benefit of our Soul’s growth.

As you recognize these patterns you are able to rectify, redress and amend those them but to do so we need to do the inner work which contributes to our spiritual growth: the sole reason for reincarnating!!

This package of mp3’s are your first steps towards your spiritual hygiene, which begins the empowerment for your spiritual growth.

Many of you focus on meditation and spiritual practise but feel you move 2 steps forward and 4 steps back being constantly thwarted and blocked.

Frustration, disappointment, anxiety, annoyance, unhappiness and self-judgement then becomes your overriding mind set and your energy fields become clogged with debris/ entities/ sludge/ negative thought forms and more until your energy field instead of being pristine and crystal clear is clouded with negative energy hindering your spiritual growth.

This package will enable you to start your journey to the clarity and effective spiritual growth you are so hungry to achieve.

Join me on these very important first steps to start a clear guided path as I hand hold you step by step for your spiritual adventure.

Meet Virginia Rounds Griffiths:

I work globally with thousands of clients as a Medical Intuitive and a Energy Alchemist, based in the UK in conjunction with my Spiritual HEART TEAM of various Ascended Masters and Archangels and of course through God/Source/Holy Spirit and Mother Earth.

As a Medical Intuitive I scan your body, tell you what I find and clear any negative imbalances that are detected to bring harmony, balance, and wellbeing back to your life

As a Energy Alchemist I clear and remove negative energies from your body and I also clear houses, land, hospitals, schools, purifying water of negative energy.

My passion is to be of service to Source thereby to all sentient Beings on Mother Earth

Client Testimonials

"Dearest Virginia

When I had my first session with you within 5 minutes my jaw dropped with amazement

You asked if I knew I had entities around me
I do know that it’s an ongoing issue my entire life
I’ve been to many healers to clear but it keeps happening again after some time

I was shocked when you told me my mind was filled with negative thoughts
My meridian and Hara line was out of whack.
All my chakras were blocked or not working optimally.
My auric field was damaged.
And I was not grounded.

I was a complete mess,
I couldn’t sleep in peace with nightmares and attacks.
I went into fear and negative thoughts all the time.
I was sick all the time and doctors couldn’t find the cause.
I was exhausted and close to giving up on everything.

You cleared all the entities and cleared all the negative thoughts in my mind.
You repaired my aura, chakras, meridians and Hara line.
Strengthened my Dan Tien.
Taught me to ground myself.

I played your mp3 for clearing entities/implants daily and at times play it on loop when I’m outside
It has definitely helped to maintain and strengthen me

That night I slept like a baby.
After a few days I felt weird.
Then I started laughing in joy, love because I realized for the first time in my life , i didn’t have any fear or negative thoughts. No headaches.
General feelings of exhaustion and sickness was gone.
No more attacks from entities.
It felt weird because I had never felt this healthy and well in mind body and soul

I have seen many healers and am now very cautious as not every healer is working with the highest Divine light.
My condition actually worsened and more damage occurred as these healers did not know what they doing.

You are the only healer who is able to tune in accurately to all my issues and clear and heal me.
You are aligned with the highest Divine Light to help and teach and heal.
You saved my life
I have so much gratitude and love for everything that you have helped me with Thank you from my heart and soul Lots of love and joy and gratitude"

~ KC

"Thank you so much my dear, it was so nice talking to you! I feel more empowered now, full of life again - what a change in such short time! You're the best!

Take care,"

~ Sophia

SAVE $1003 NOW!

Total Value $1100

Introductory Special Offer $97

Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644

Refund Policy: 30 Days refund policy. Condition Apply*


Release Entities MP3

Entities like to control and manipulate us because that is their function. They behave like vampires on our energy system. When they are in our auric field, we experience their thoughts, feelings and desires and we end up owning their negative thinking rather than our own.


  • Banish negative thinking or hearing a negative inner voice that’s very critical or destructive.
  • No more feeling anxious or angry for no reason
  • Live Headache / Migraine free
  • Release depression or suicidal thoughts
  • Gain control over your behaviour or mood swings
  • No more overwhelm/confusion
  • No longer feel compelled or addicted to drugs, sex, alcohol or gambling
  • Ownership of your brain again


Clearing All Negative Thought Forms MP3

Your thoughts are energy which has a level of vibration. Negative thoughts create negative events and positive thoughts create positive results. This is because your every thought interacts with the energy of the universe.

Over time, your negative thoughts, especially those related to feelings and emotions, can blend into thought-forms which clog your energy field.

In the electromagnetic sense, this means that you are giving them life in some way. They accumulate in your mental or emotional body.

Thought-forms control and influence you by depriving you of free will. They make you react instead of responding. Thought-forms are generated by your mind/thinking, you are in control of them

Negative thoughts accumulate in your auric field and become the instrument to attract more negative energy and entities into your field.


  • Clarity of Thought
  • Focus on positive thoughts
  • Attract positive energies to you of love, peace, kindness, wellbeing
  • Stop attracting negative entities which do you harm
  • Law of Attraction working for you not against you
  • Change your energy to one which attracts rather than repels
  • Clear your auric field of the sludge from non-beneficial thoughts


Remove Negative Cords MP3

As we journey through our lives and interact with others, it is inevitable that we form attachments and connections with perhaps hundreds of people.

These attachments/connections mean we form invisible energy cords to those people and they to us.

These cords are not always positive and can result in energy drainage or psychic attack from them to us or vice versa.

Cords are formed by the very act of thinking of someone.

The more we think of someone the stronger those cords are attached/formed and if we do not have a positive association with certain people negative energies i.e. psychic attack or energy drainage can result, either from others or to others.


  • Clear all energy which is not yours from your field
  • Stay free from psychic attach
  • Free yourself from an energy vampire
  • Clear any curses sent by others
  • Stop being drained by others energies
  • Keep your immune system strong
  • Keep vibrant and positive


Repairing The Auric Shield MP3

Our aura is the electromagnetic field that is generated by all living things. It is the natural force field that surrounds each of us Since our bodies are not static, the quality of our auric energy can change, depending on our mental, physical and emotional states. As you begin to integrate all the chakras, you can harness the power of your aura: its ability to project and protect.

The strength and size of your aura can vary. At its strongest, it can expand many feet outside your physical body, appearing as a circular, radiant white light. If this energy force is bright and strong, it protects you.

Your aura can become torn and disrupted by entities also thought forms and sludge and you can be more vulnerable to the things around you—negative attitudes, emotions, germs, and feel dimmed.

It is most important that your auric shield needs to be repaired when this happens


  • Strengthen your auric shield to protect your energy matrix
  • Enhance and strengthen your connection to the Divine
  • Resist allowing watchers/entities in
  • Reinvigorate your energy
  • Stop energy sludge/debris from infiltration
  • Toughen the auric shield stopping ruptures
  • Fortify your protection from all outside infuences


Clearing and Balancing 7 Major Chakras MP3

Do you regularly cleanse and balance your chakras? Or are they often forgotten about? It’s often the last thing we think of when in a tailspin and feeling frazzled or off centre.

The 7 major energy centres in your body are distinct energy centres that start at the top of your head and end at the base of your spine governing your organs and glands therefore your health.

They regulate all parts of your physical body, influencing everything from emotional processing to resistance to disease and it is your responsibility to help your immune systems to function to the best of their ability.

Your focus should be to restore a harmonious flow of energy throughout your entire energy matrix by a daily

When your energy centers are balanced, you will feel relaxed, centred, grounded, energized, aware, more in tune and have a feeling of wellbeing.

If even one chakra is imbalanced or blocked, the other chakras begin to compensate and either become overactive or under-active, causing disarray, confusion and health issues.


  • Energy flow unencumbered through the chakra column freed up for ultimum benefit of total body health.
  • Endocrine glands supported to block deterioration.
  • Invigorate all the chakras for maximum wellbeing, vitality and perfect health
  • The physical organs & glands in the body reinforced and balanced
  • Each chakra unblocked allowing Divine energy to flow with ease and grace


The Importance of Grounding MP3

Grounding is one of the most important practises we need to master for our spiritual and physical journey and wellbeing because it strengthens our connection to Mother Earth and helps to anchor the spiritual energies that are downloaded from the Universe.

Grounding helps to centre yourself and really anchor into your core into your inner non-physical being inside your physical matrix

When we are grounded and centered you are anchored in the physical world, your body is your safety net and you know you are empowered while opening up to increased energy flow, and metaphysical or spiritual input.

Grounding will also help you to manifest all the spiritual work through your meditation you do in real time, to actually bring into matter the result of your spiritual practise When fully grounded you KNOW you are safe and in immersed in true your Mastery.


  • Improves your mood
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Helps reduces pain
  • Great for stress and anxiety
  • Increases heart rate variability
  • Improves sleep
  • Helps with healing wounds
  • Strengthens immunity
  • Enables relaxation and calmness
  • Feel fully centred and protected in your body


Protection with Archangel Michael MP3

It is imperative that we protect ourselves with some form of psychic shield. When we have released and cleared out all the negative energies and unwanted influences in our auric field we then need to put a protection around ourselves.

Remember the protective shield should have the flexibility to allow positive energies and those inputs we want to be able to penetrate that protection.

Remember the shield you erect needs to be a practise you believe will work for you and one you will feel strongly protected by.

The more you practise your protection with regularity the stronger it will work for you and help you to be a Master of your energy and therefore be a Master of your life


  • Protection from negative energies & entities
  • Prevent emotional energies of others entering your field
  • Keep you fully anchored in your own positive energy
  • Construct a cocoon to preserve and secure your entire pristine biofield

SAVE $1003 NOW!

Total Value $1100

Introductory Special Offer $97

Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644

Refund Policy: 30 Days refund policy. Condition Apply*

"Today is the most amazing day of my life. The sun is shining, my life is back, not only as a Being, but also as a vibrant human energy; thanks to the removal that you Virginia, so gracefully did, to ALL the blocked parts of my body.

My gratitude will last forever, it has been years of living in depression, no jest, tiredness, no motivation; all I could see was my body dying.

Today all this is gone and my sparkling self is back again. Thank you, thank you, thank you a million times.

What a beautiful life ahead of me, thanks to your wisdom and kindness. God bless you.

With all the love in my heart."

~ Aless.

"Hello again,

As I read your email now I was doing the muscle testing. I can't thank you enough. It's fascinating!

I will not need another session. I noticed there was less interference today. I am so relieved. I am feeling lighter and happier again.
Infinite thanks to you and your guides for your help…….. "

~ Denise

"Dear Virginia,
Thank you ever so much for the incredible session this afternoon. It was the most comprehensive and thorough clearing I've experienced, and I'm amazed at the depth and breadth of the work that you and your Guide team perform. I feel reborn from the inside out and cant wait to discover what it feels like to live with my I AM presence within me all the time.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, and heartfelt Blessings to you! "

~ Tony

"Thank you, I wish the same for you. My life has been so enriched by your lessons. The key is to live in my heart space, stay grounded and to clear my energy paths. Nothing could be more valuable. Mahalo."

~ G.K……

"I am appreciative to you and your Heart Team for the time and love that have led to improvements for me.

Releasing incidents from this life and past lives from my chakras has been freeing.

Each day I can feel the freedom particularly in my heart chakra where I had carried multiple lifetimes of conflict with my current brother. I felt this life is one where we were committed to having a better relationship.

Releasing emotions that were blockages in my heart chakra facilitates my and his ability to have a good experience in this life."

~ E.G

SAVE $1003 NOW!

Total Value $1100

Introductory Special Offer $97

Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644

Refund Policy: 30 Days refund policy. Condition Apply*

DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.

WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.

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REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.

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