Consciousness is All There is

How Understanding and Experiencing Consciousness Will Transform Your Life
by Tony Nader, M.D., Ph.D.

Upgrade Your Life, Change Your World:

Your Preorder Package includes:

  • Dr. Nader’s book, Consciousness Is All There Is ** (valued at $24.95)
  • Consciousness technologies to transform every area of your life in 30 days or less. Six monthly webinars with Dr. Nader. (valued at $582)
  • A private consultation with a Consciousness Advisor trained by Dr. Nader (valued at $150)
  • Untold Stories from the Life of Dr. Tony Nader–in His Own Words.(valued at $14.97)

Unlock the Treasury of Your Own Consciousness with . . .


Dr. Nader’s book, Consciousness Is All There Is

Coming in 2024, this groundbreaking book reveals the fundamentals of happiness, health, and fulfillment in a life well-lived and shows how to accomplish it. It dives into both the philosophical logic and supporting science to explain why consciousness must be primary, matter and energy must be secondary. Through illustrations and easy-to-understand examples, Dr. Nader shows you how suffering in life is not necessary and how you can rise to higher states of consciousness to gain greater freedom and self-reliance, with a profound understanding of how matter, energy, and mind are different aspects of one common reality. When the book is released in 2024, it will be shipped to you without any additional cost ($24.95 value)

item 2

Consciousness technologies to transform every area of your life in 30 days or less. Six monthly webinars with Dr. Nader. In each webinar Dr. Nader will share practical tools you can start using immediately to change habits, enhance relationships, find your purpose, discover your ideal career, expand your finances, and live higher states of consciousness . . . with all the magic and miracles that come with those states. ($582 value)

item 3

Get a private consultation with a Consciousness Advisor trained by Dr. Nader - Complete your personal consciousness assessment then get help identifying the most effective ways to overcome challenges and step on to higher levels of awareness. ($150 value)

"The Consciousness Advisor program is like nothing I’ve ever experienced. I’ve read hundreds of self-help books, been to many seminars, constantly researched a natural way to live a healthy life but nothing has encompassed so much in one program as the CA program." 
- Jodi Fretz, Evansville, Indiana

item 4

Untold Stories from the Life of Dr. Tony Nader–in His Own Words. Never shared before, in this ebook Dr. Nader tells what it was like to grow up in Lebanon, to take his medical training in the middle of a war zone, and how the experiences of his youth shaped his lifelong search for the answers to life’s big Why’s. ($14.97 value)

Get Any Question Answered, 24-7

Dr. Nader AI available 24-7 to answer any question you have. You’ll be able to call up a phone number and ask Dr. Nader’s AI the questions that weigh on you. Whether you need help with relationships, with your finances, with your health, or you are looking for guidance on your Consciousness Journey, the Dr. Nader AI can help. It has access to the huge wealth of knowledge from Dr. Nader, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, and some of the greatest thinkers who have applied the Vedic knowledge of consciousness to every area of life. You’ll receive 60 minutes without charge then you can continue to access the Dr. Nader AI for a nominal charge per minute or per month thereafter. ($60 value)

Total Value: $831.92

Get Your Preorder Package Today For: $49.95
(Or get a $20 discount with your coupon code and pay only $29.95)*

Here’s what people are saying about Dr. Nader's Books

Radha Agrawal

CEO of the 500,000-member Daybreaker community

Will put you on a path to something extraordinary

My career is focused on creating community. The operable part of that word is unity. Today,  cultivating an orientation to belonging and unity is our most precious north star. In his book Dr. Tony Nader doesn’t just talk about unity, he describes  with impeccable logic the reality that unity is the ultimate nature of life and that we are all headed there as we evolve. Read this book. It will put you on a path to something  extraordinary.

Janet Attwood

New York Times bestselling co-author of The Passion Test and Your Hidden Riches 

A clear, logical description of the ultimate structure  of life

Dr. Nader’s book  is a deep dive into what makes life work. He not only provides a clear, logical description of the structure of life itself, he provides the keys to  resolve any problem you may be facing. In this time of turmoil and separation, this book is a  lighthouse for anyone to find their way home.

Nancy Lonsdorf

MD, best-selling author of The Healthy Brain Solution for Women over Forty and The Ageless Woman

Presents the breakthrough of the 21st century

Dr. Tony Nader’s compelling investigation and exposition of the theory that  ‘Consciousness is all there is’ satisfies both the passionately seeking heart of the spiritual seeker and the discriminating intellect of the scientist. This book is the breakthrough of the 21st  century.

About Dr. Tony Nader

Tony Nader, M.D., Ph.D., MARR, is a medical doctor trained at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Ph.D. in neuroscience) and Harvard University, and a globally recognised Vedic scholar. As Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s successor, Dr Nader is head of the international Transcendental Meditation® organisations in over 100 countries. From the Americas to Asia, from Europe to Africa, Dr Nader guides the Transcendental Meditation program and its advanced practices, and the practical applications of this technology in all areas of national life – education, health, business, defense, agriculture, and more. Dr Nader’s vision is to bring happiness, health, and peace to the minds and hearts of the whole world family. His experiences as a teacher, father, leader, scientist, and doctor have inspired his dedication to all global citizens – and his commitment to opening their awareness to the important things in life, from a truly profound perspective. To help remove conflicts in society, so that higher values and beautiful goals become the guiding light of everyone, is his total focus.

* You can get a coupon code by taking the Consciousness Quiz here [insert link], then clicking on the tokens in each of the 10 emails you’ll receive afterwards that provide you with questions for self-reflection.

** Consciousness Is All There Is will be sent to you without charge when the book is released in spring 2024