Supercharge Your Immune System So You’re Safe From
Viruses, Infections, And Fears.

Watch this video before it's too late to receive free energy from Grace Hom!

Total Package Value: $1610

For Limited Time Offer:$97.99

Grace's Clients Have Amazing Experiences

“My Blood Oxygen Went Up 2 Points!”

“A few weeks ago I had a bad case of Covid. I was pretty much on the couch for about 2 weeks. Besides the work I had to get done, I didn't have much energy for anything. I was also having a tough time breathing deep breaths. I would get winded just walking for a glass of water. It was very frustrating.

We had a pulse oximetry reader here and I kept monitoring it pretty closely, because I'm not going to lie, I was a little concerned. My first reading was 91. I knew I had to get it up but I wasn't sure how. I let it go at that for a few days and then I remembered I had Grace's limited time bonus, her Quantum Ozone Session MP3. I listened to it and started to feel a little better. I checked my blood oxygen and it went up to 93, just in those few minutes! I was impressed!! Thank you Grace for creating it!"

~ Gretchen

  • Are you constantly dealing with a virus, an infection, chronic inflammation or other compromising conditions, ruining your quality of life?
  • Do you have painful joint pain, muscle aches, fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue?
  • Do you feel like you’re carrying so much emotional baggage that you’re chronically dealing with financial or relationship troubles?

“Reduction in Pain and Hot Flushes and Improved Movement”

“I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia about 25 years ago. There’s a base amount of daily pain and limitation, and there are flare ups (5-8) that are substantially worse. During the session I felt a lot of sensations of chills, yawning, pressure in my chest and back, and warmth/relaxation. By the end of the session there was a reduction in both pain and restriction of movement (2-3), and that has remained the case since the session! Most improved is my ability to turn and move my neck from side to side.

I have participated in several of Grace’s sessions over the past few months, and I would definitely recommend her work. I always come away feeling better and lighter and happier... like I have released some major traumatic energy. These are deep and sometimes painful topics, but Grace helps us to traverse them with care and laughter! My favorite so far was her Power and Pleasure series. It was such a deep release of issues for me that I cried for a half an hour after. I have felt a real difference since, and I am very grateful. I have even seen a reduction in hot flashes, which as we ladies know is huge! I look forward to continuing working with her."

~ Laurie, Cincinnati

What if you can take a quantum leap in immunity and be able to handle any virus, any infections and resolve the underlying inflammation behind chronic issues?

“Extreme Reduction of Pain and Swelling”

“I had inflamed, painful gum around back tooth on lower left jaw and inflamed gum in upper back teeth/left side of jaw. During the session, I felt an extreme reduction of pain and swelling. The severity of issues went from a 10-4. There’s been a continued reduction in pain and inflamation and I am feeling lifted, joyful and more connected.

Grace has a unique and joyful approach to healing. Her work goes deep into the underlying causes of energetic imbalances or dis-ease. She is extremely versatile and continues to add varying techniques to her sessions such as gazing and light language. Grace's work is nothing short of awesome!"

~ Carolyn, Dublin, Ireland

What if you no longer have to worry about the spread of any diseases because you can upgrade 2 new organs that are responsible for the spread of diseases?

“Healing from (3 week) Flu, More Energy”

“Before the live session I was in my 3rd week of flu, the morning after the live session I felt so much space around my chest and had more energy than the other 3 weeks combined. The issue went from a 9 to a 4. During the live session and replay, I yawned and laughed so much."

~ Monique, Europe

The pain and lack of energy you thought was a life sentence is now over! You can heal the underlying causes and feel great again. Create a new life of joy and possibilities now!

“Tightness immediately disappeared and the cough I had loosened up”

“Grace, I truly loved my healing session with you, it’s amazing to me how much can be worked on in such a short amount of time. Less than 24 hrs. after my session I could feel real results.

I came to Grace with a litany of problems: chronic fatigue, skin and fungal issues, tightness in my chest, severe digestive issues due to incredible amounts of stress over that past four years and more.

I had lost both of my brothers at a young age to heart attacks, and had taken on the burden of my family and more.

One of the first things Grace worked on was the miasms related to heart issues, the tightness immediately disappeared and the cough I had loosened up, and as of today has disappeared. I’m breathing more freely now. I only had about 5 hrs. of sleep overnight, worked a 10 hour day, and I still have more energy left at the end of my day then after a full night’s sleep. I feel there is more of a flow of energy coursing through my body.

Most of my issues were related back to 23 generations of abusive patterns that needed to be cleared. How can you quantify having that cleared? It’s priceless to be free of burdens and ties that were never mine to begin with.

Grace, I am deeply touched by your generous loving spirit, your insights are so spot on, and you tuned into every problem within my physical body without my help. What I’m most impressed about is your Authenticity. That word is used a lot these days, but most people could take a lesson from you, because YOU ARE IT.

Much Love and Gratitude."

~ Maria G. of Florida

What You’ll Get!

  • 1

    Anti-Viral Healing track

  • 2

    Anti-bacterial Healing Track

  • 3

    Anti-fungal Healing Track

  • 4

    Antioxidant MP3

  • 5

    Clearing Up Infections MP3

  • 6

    Clearing Up Acute and Chronic Inflammatory Conditions MP3

  • 7

    Pain Relief MP3

  • 8

    Cellular Level Detox MP3

  • 9

    Activate Divine Blueprint for Health MP3

  • 10

    ​​5 PreRecorded Group Calls

  • 11

    Money and the Mesentery MP3

  • 12

    Transforming Chronic Fatigue MP3

  • 13

    Transforming Fibromylagia MP3

Total Package Value: $1610

For a LIMITED Time ONLY: $97.99

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644

“Healing of thyroid, pancreas, candida and other physical issues”

“I have said that for as long as I have a penny to my name, I will continue healing sessions with Grace. I call her “The Healer of Healers.” I am 74 years old and have worked with many gifted lightworkers over the last 40 years. Since working with Grace, I have experienced profound and rapid changes in all aspects of my life. Most profound in this recent time has been the healing of thyroid, pancreas, candida and other physical issues. Emotional underpinnings were removed instantaneously.

Currently, I also work closely with a licensed holistic chiropractor who checks my nutrition requirements monthly. I was taking eleven different supplements and after one session with Grace, I no longer needed six of them and the dosage was cut in half for the remaining five! Most issues with my thyroid have completely cleared. In relation to my pancreas, I no longer have any cravings for sugar or sweets of any kind. I also experienced an instantaneous clearing of candida from my body along with many insights about the origin of this condition. On the same day following the session with Grace, I had an appointment with my chiropractor who tested for candida and found no indications of candida remaining in my body. I am so grateful to Grace for her miraculous work. She is such a gentle, loving, and compassionate healer."

~ Renee E. of Denver

Meet Grace Hom

Grace Geokyin Hom, Medical Intuitive and Light Body Whisperer has over 22 years of combined experience in health care and alternative healing. She works with science, spirituality, and intuition to support her clients to enjoy greater health and vitality. Grace’s clients often speak of her profound intuition and rare ability to work with the minute details of a cell as well as see the bigger patterns across generations and cultures that impact a person’s health and well-being. Many credit her with helping them to overcome health challenges.

Grace is internationally respected for her medical intuitive and energy healing work with eyesight, energy dentistry, and chronic health challenges. She listens to the wisdom of bodies to facilitate her clients to remember health and wholeness. Her clients enjoy laughter and deep yawns that release lifetimes of traumas during their sessions. They also feel lighter and more joyous.

Total Package Value: $1610

For a LIMITED Time ONLY: $97.99

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644

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WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.

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REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.

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