Great Programs From Virginia Rounds Griffiths

Available Now for Bliss Up Members!

Miracle Brain - Upgraded

Digestive Health

Energetic EMF

Catapult Your Creativity

Entity Begone


Energy Matrix

Muscular- Skeletal

Lose Weight

Breathe with Ease


Heart Healing

Metatron's Healing Codes

Topic: YOUR MIRACLE BRAIN - UPGRADED 100% Upgraded Energies for Optimum Brain Health

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Discount Code: VIRGINIAP30J

Here's What Clients Say About Virginia:


I had surgery last year and since then I have noticeable brain fog. I listened to Virginia’s foggy brain clearing and felt the energy come thru the top of my head. After just 1 week I’m able to recall vocabulary words better and my short-term memory has improved.


I had a stroke earlier on in April 2018. After working with Virginia my walking is so much better, my brain is no longer foggy and I have stopped the procrastination. I feel more focused and I am able now to multitask much better and my memory recall has improved immensely. All headaches have disappeared


I’ve been struggling with brain fog for a few years now, I’ve noticed the decline in my memory and brain function which was terrifying – for someone who works with IT software. I immediately noticed the difference and cannot believe the impact this has had on my job.

Topic: Digestive Health Restored Repair, Regenerate & Reboot Your Digestive System

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Discount Code: VIRGINIA6Z1V

Here's What Clients Say About Virginia:


My results have been less dry mouth, much more saliva, less hunger at night, no stomach gurgling, no stomach upset after meals, less constipation. I think those are the things I have noticed after listening to Virginia’s mp3 and healing session. Thank you so much.

Jolie – USA


I suffer from Leaky Gut and when Virginia did some work on me I am really feeling like my system is cleaning out, feeling much better and have less fatigue



I suffer from Leaky Gut and when Virginia did some work with me the change is very noticeable – I am really feeling like my system is cleaning out, feeling much better and have much less fatigue.


Topic: Energetic EMF Neutralizer: Heal & Protect Your Body & Environment in a Toxic World

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Discount Code: VIRGINIAE3D8

Here's What Clients Say About Virginia:


During the session I could feel her clearing the energy around my head and chest. I felt like I was coming out from under a dark cloud and I feel so much lighter and happier.


Thankfully now, I use one of her pendants that protects me from harmful radiation waves, which has been a real God send and I use this in conjunction with the MP3s which are very soothing and meditative.


Thank you,Virginia for your wonderful healing on technopathic stress in my home! Wow have I been enlightened! I wasn’t aware how negative my home router and computer next to my bedside table could be having such a detrimental effect to my overall mental health!

Topic: Catapult Your Creativity: Quantum Speed Activations to Step into Your Divine Purpose and Ignite Optimum Health & Abundance

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Discount Code: VIRGINIAU1N5

Here's What Clients Say About Virginia:


YESSS!!!Have you seen me 'come out' on fb and in the networking groups!!!I am assuming this is connected to the throat work! Suddenly I just had this surge of expression and it had to come out and I felt all this old stale rigid 'playing small and hiding energy' sort of flake off and disappear! Thank you



My Throat Chakra opened and I have been busy speaking up and out and people including my own family/extended family/friends are listening. Even the Dear Husband. Thank you for everything and Thank you for always being there … For us.

Jennifer L


Thank you with so much gratitude for our session today – wow, wow and wow. I want to get these words down before I forget all the amazing work you have done with me today ( and I want to add to these words later because I know there is more to come from this profound healing session)!

A.H.– London

Topic: Fast & Effective Entity BE GONE Solution: Clear & Protect Yourself from Entities in this Time of Negativity!

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Discount Code: VIRGINIA4PMA

Here's What Clients Say About Virginia:


Sometimes I can pick up entities too! A sure sign is when I have a headache or feel physically rough. When I’ve picked up any entity I have more negative thoughts and a little crabby, sometimes angry.

Shona UK


On top of all of this, she even sent me an audio so I can clear entities in my home on a regular basis. Wow! What more could you ask for? She is – literally - a godsend! I would highly recommend her.

Aisling UK


It amazes me how accurate Virginia's transmissions are, she truely is the epitome of an energy healer in every way and I thank her for making herself so accessible to everyone.


Topic: Optimize Your Thyroid Health

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Discount Code: VIRGINIA9N5Q

Here's What Clients Say About Virginia:


Doctor confirmed what Virginia diagnosed about my Thyroid!!! ... We are 2 months into healing and I am thrilled to say that I am not experiencing any of the previous symptoms – what a gift I am eternally grateful


Suffered from a never-ending feeling of being depleted. I no longer am struggling with my body... I now looove my life and my body. Thank you Virginia


My brain fog has cleared, ... my energy levels are almost back to 100%, …my aches and pains have gone

Topic: Master Your Divine Energy Matrix

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Discount Code: VIRGINIAI045X

Here's What Clients Say About Virginia:


Secondly you were able to assist with releasing entities, thought forms and implants.  I had a real sense of this happening throughout my body and was able to see through my third eye (with your guidance) where the implant was and see it release (and feel the shift).

Davinder – London, UK


Virginia and her team of Angels removed entities, repaired tears in my auric field, cleared my etheric, emotional and mental bodies/fields, cut cords, repaired some damage to my chakras and so much more…

Lesley – Melbourne, Australia


Virginia worked with her guides, as well as mine to remove entities, implants, cut cords and clear my energy. The energetic clearings were emotional, palpable and peaceful.

Jill – Michigan, USA

Topic: 100% Effective Muscular-Skeletal Alignment
Experience Ease, Flexibility and Vibrant Mobility Once More!

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Discount Code: VIRGINIA31VC

Here's What Clients Say About Virginia:


Wanted to let you know, I feel much better after my session. I am walking better, both hips feel much better. The facial muscles are more reactive, it is much easier to smile. I injured the right side of my face at work years ago.

 Nancy Z. – Boston


Last Monday I had a session with you and you asked me to write you about the coccyx and sacral area how it is at the end of the week. It is without pain and discomfort. Thank you very much for the session.

Ingrid. – France


My back is so much better now from 7 down to 2 so please which might be muscle memory but have not had to have Panadol all day and have just used a wheat bag for an hour as a comfort . Shoulders better not painful or stiff. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Susan J. – Australia

Topic: BREATH WITH EASE: Enjoy the Miracle of Clear Airways for Respiratory Harmony

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Discount Code: 4CHXQHIFYC

Here's What Clients Say About Virginia:


During the group sessions my lungs cleared completely from scale 6 to 0 and I feel lighter and easy to breath now.

Rose Delic


My sinuses are much better than when we started: moving from an 8 or 9 to about a 3 at this time. My right ear felt so much better by the end of class, from about an 8 to a 2



Sinuses, throat, trachea, lungs, tongue, ears, etc. were cleared from 8 or 9 to 2 or less during the group sessions. I enjoyed the group sessions and Virginia's very thorough approach to healing.


Topic: Harmonize Your Hormones: Repair, Reboot & Rejuvenate your entire mental, physical, and emotional wellbeing…

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Discount Code: VIRGINIA8R2H

Here's What Clients Say About Virginia:


After each session, I experienced noticeable results. For example, after Hypothalamus Balance I noticed deeper sleep, more energy, better hydration, better temperature regulation, clearer brain & emotional balance. I actually felt motivated to clean, garden, and catch up on a few projects.



I felt a significant shift over the 7 x weeks, shifting old energy and feeling more balanced. I noticed I lost 3.5 lbs in the first 3 x weeks. My stress levels reduced, I felt calmer and been much more productive and creative at work, finally pushing through some projects I had been resisting working on.



I feel absolutely great. Very balanced. I have lost weight and feel like I am aging backwards..


Topic: Hack Your Subconscious to Lose Weight
No Diet - No Exercise - Enhanced Health

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Discount Code: VIRGINIADJX1M

Here's What Clients Say About Virginia:


I know weight loss is not your thing… but you can help so many people struggling with this issue. If you sell this program in one of the summits, you will be busy for years to come. The program was amazing and I'm so thankful to have participated in it. Love you Virginia Mahalo

Renata G, USA


10+ Amazing as always! Thank you so much for your time, love, kindness and for helping me heal this part of me!

Beronica, USA


AMAZING, unique, powerful, supportive, motivating, holistic, magical, fun, effective and healing on all levels. Exceptional and soooo much more than a weight reduction course. Thank you!!!!

Aisling H, UK

Topic: Full Spectrum Heart Healing

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Discount Code: VIRGINIA8PG9

Here's What Clients Say About Virginia:


I did your grounding tool on Tuesday and brought my blood pressure down to 126/73, pulse 57. That is excellent for me!



 This tool is more than life saving because I now can control my stress and make it work for me not against me as in the past. Words are inadequate — thank you, thank you, thank you!

Irene w.


I was experiencing shortness of breath and cold sweats and felt like fainting especially when I went up and down the stairs in my house. It just happened out of nowhere, really frightening. I don't know what Virginia did but within 7 days my symptoms disappeared and now 6 months later I have none of the symptoms and I have my life back without medication.

Ron M.

Topic: Metatron's Healing CodesSynchronize ALL Systems of Your Energy Matrix to Wipe Out ANYTHING That Stands in the Way of Your Ultimate Healing!

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Discount Code: VIRGINIAZ52FP

Here's What Clients Say About Virginia:


Because of her incredible healing energy I am going dancing tonight for the first time in over 5 Years!!!....My pain went from a Level 6 down to a Level 2 in minutes!!! The healing continued & two days later I was able to walk pain free!!! Which is why I am looking forward to dancing tonight on Day 3!

Peg Sue


 Secondly you were able to assist with releasing entities, thought forms and implants. I had a real sense of this happening throughout my body and was able to see through my third eye (with your guidance) where the implant was and see it release (and feel the shift).

 Davinder – London, UK


Virginia and her team of Angels removed entities, repaired tears in my auric field, cleared my etheric, emotional and mental bodies/fields, cut cords, repaired some damage to my chakras and so much more…

Lesley – Melbourne, Australia

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